(Founder and Artistic Director: Susie White)

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Henna tattoos - new!

For some years now, Ya Raqs have been offering henna tattoos to visitors at the events we have attended. These have proved very popular, but there are a couple of drawbacks.
- Even though we only use natural henna with no additives, we don’t offer tattoos to under 12s.
- The henna can take a while to dry, especially if it’s not a warm sunny day, so it can get smudged.
- The tattoo takes a couple of weeks to fade, so some people can’t have them because they have to go to school or work the next day.

Fortunately Aisha has been doing some research, and has come up with an alternative. The new tattoos dry almost immediately, wash off at the end of the day, and are suitable for all ages. Plus they can include colours, and those all-important glitter highlights!

Naima, Tameri and Aisha show off their tattoos


We will still offer traditional henna tattoos as well; the choice is yours!

Henna tattoo

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